Miki works for Journey to the East as an escort meeting guests on arrival at Narita or Haneda Airport. When guests arrive and see her friendly smile, they instantly feel at ease.
Miki spent her childhood in three different countries, England, Japan and the U.S. This upbringing made her interested in difference of cultures so she majored in intercultural studies at university. After graduating she joined Nissan Motors and looked after the company’s expats and foreign employees working in Japan.
Her marriage took her to Okinawa, the southernmost island of Japan where she raised her two sons in the idyllic subtropical island. As you may know, Japan is a small country but it is quite long and the climate differs quite a bit from north to south. Not only the scenery, but it is quite diverse in its culture with variation in dialect, tradition and customs. Miki’s husband is from Hokkaido (the northernmost island of Japan) and she is from Kobe. Miki has become familiar with both the East (Kanto) and the West (Kansai) of mainland Japan. She is happy to share with you the stories of how different it is to live in different areas of Japan.
Since her sons are grown up, she now has time to enjoy her many hobbies. She loves to draw and paint as you can see in the photo. She also practices yoga and loves traveling, especially to foreign countries. Her most recent favourite pastime is going on fishing trips to Hokkaido with her husband.